PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 367
Virtual Switch Redundancy Protocol (VSRP)
Configuring basic VSRP parameters
To configure VSRP, perform the following required tasks:
• Configure a port-based VLAN containing the ports for which you want to provide VSRP service.
If you already have a port-based VLAN but only want to use VSRP on a sub-set of the VLANs
ports, you can selectively remove ports from VSRP service in the VLAN. Refer to “Removing a
port from the VRID VLAN” on page 370.
• Configure a VRID:
• Specify that the device is a backup. Since VSRP, like VRRPE, does not have an “owner”, all
VSRP devices are backups. The active device for a VRID is elected based on the VRID
priority, which is configurable.
• Activate the VRID.
The following example shows a simple VSRP configuration.
PowerConnect(config)#vlan 200
PowerConnect(config-vlan-200)#tag ethernet 1/1 to 1/8
PowerConnect(config-vlan-200)#vsrp vrid 1
Syntax: [no] vsrp vrid <num>
The <num> parameter specifies the VRID and can be from 1 – 255.
Syntax: [no] backup [priority <value>] [track-priority <value>]
This command is required. In VSRP, all devices on which a VRID are configured are Backups. The
Master is then elected based on the VSRP priority of each device. There is no “owner” device as
there is in VRRP.
For information about the command optional parameters, refer to the following:
• “Changing the backup priority” on page 371
• “Changing the default track priority” on page 374
Syntax: [no] activate
RIP parameters
Suppression of
A Layer 3 Switch that is running RIP normally
advertises routes to a backed up VRID even when the
Layer 3 Switch is not currently the active Layer 3
Switch for the VRID. Suppression of these
advertisements helps ensure that other Layer 3
Switches do not receive invalid route paths for the
NOTE: This parameter is valid only on Layer 3
(routes are advertised)
page 375
TABLE 63 VSRP parameters (Continued)
Parameter Description Default See page...