PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 647
Rate shaping overview
• When outbound rate shaping is enabled on a port on an IPv4 device, the port QoS queuing
method (qos mechanism) will be strict mode. This applies to IPv4 devices only. On IPv6
devices, the QoS mechanism is whatever method is configured on the port, even when
outbound rate shaping is enabled.
• You can configure a rate shaper for a port and for the individual priority queues of that port.
However, if a port rate shaper is configured, that value overrides the rate shaper value of a
priority queue if the priority queue rate shaper is greater than the rate shaper for the port.
• On PowerConnect B-Series FCX devices, configured rate shaper values are rounded up to the
nearest values programmable by the hardware.
Configuring outbound rate shaping for a port
To configure the maximum rate at which outbound traffic is sent out on a port, enter commands
such as the following.
PowerConnect(config)#interface e 1/2
PowerConnect(config-if-e1000-2)#rate-limit output shaping 1300
• On PowerConnect B-Series FCX devices, the configured outbound rate shaper of 651 Kbps on
port 1/15 is rounded to 616 Kbps. The configured 1300 Kbps limit on port 15 is rounded to
1232 Kbps..
Syntax: [no] rate-limit output shaping <value>
On PowerConnect B-Series FCX devices, you can specify a value up to the port line rate for <value>.
Configuring outbound rate shaping for a specific priority
To configure the maximum rate at which outbound traffic is sent out on a port priority queue, enter
commands such as the following.
PowerConnect(config)#interface e 1/2
PowerConnect(config-if-e1000-2)#rate-limit output shaping 500 priority 7
• OnPowerConnect B-Series FCX devices, the configured 500 Kbps limit for outbound traffic on
priority queue 7 on port 2 is rounded to a value that is programmable by the hardware, which is
440 Kbps.
Syntax: [no] rate-limit output shaping <value> priority <priority-queue>
On PowerConnect B-Series FCX devices, you can specify a value up to the port line rate for <value>.
Specify 0-7 for <priority-queue>
Configuring outbound rate shaping for a trunk port
This feature is supported on individual ports of a static trunk group and on LACP trunk ports.
However, it is not supported on LACP trunk ports for PowerConnect B-Series FCX .
To configure the maximum rate at which outbound traffic is sent out on a trunk port, enter the
following on each trunk port where outbound traffic will be shaped.
PowerConnect(config)#trunk e 1/13 to 1/16
PowerConnect(config-trunk-13-16)#rate-limit output shaping ethe 1/15 651
PowerConnect(config-trunk-13-16)#rate-limit output shaping ethe 1/14 1300