
ATP-CNX-040-01 Rel. 1.3, Doc. Rev. 01.07 3-7
Configuring the Aastra CNX
(4) Configure Network Time Protocol (NTP)
This option allows you to modify the Network Time Protocol (NTP) that you set
during the “Run network and time configuration” procedure. Use the following
procedure to modify the NTP on the Aastra CNX.
Note: If at any time during the initial configuration process, you want to
backout of the configuration, press <ESC> to cancel.
Step Action
1 At the Aastra CNX Main Menu, select option 4, and press <Enter>.
Welcome to the
Aastra CNX - Conference Bridge
Configuration Utility
1. Run network and time configuration
2. Change Telnet access
3. Set date and time
4. Configure Network Time Protocol (NTP)
5. Force reboot
Please select an option: 4
The following message and prompts display:
Configuring Network Time Protocol (NTP)...
You can configure up to 4 NTP servers. To remove an existing
server, set it's address to If no valid servers are
given then ntp will be disabled.
Do you want to continue (y/n) [n]:
2 Enter “y” to continue, and press <Enter>.
The following prompts display:
NTP Server #1: [pool.ntp.org]:
NTP Server #2: [pool.ntp.org]:
NTP Server #3: [pool.ntp.org]:
NTP Server #4: [pool.ntp.org]: