Aastra CNX software
ATP-CNX-040-01 Rel. 1.3, Doc. Rev. 01.07 2-11
About the Aastra CNX
Port resource management
You can configure Aastra CNX switches with a number of ports to be held in
reserve for specific conferences. If all non-reserved ports on the Aastra CNX are
in use, any attempt to join a conference on that Aastra CNX results in a busy
signal. When scheduling conferences, the Aastra CNX does not permit allocation
of reserved ports if it prevents existing reservations to be met.
Users and user privileges
The Aastra CNX supports three types of users with various user privileges:
• System Administrators
• Registered Users
• Conference Participants
The following paragraphs describe the privileges for each type of user.
System Administrator
System administrators have access privileges to all Aastra CNX management
features and functions. The following table provides a list of available Aastra
CNX functions that a system administrator can perform.
Function Description
Configure • Perform initial configuration using setup script
• Determine language to be used on Aastra CNX
• Set number of ports for conference
• Set external servers (DNS and NTP)
• Set management interface
• Configure ISDN PRI attributes
• Set Windows and/or Network Information System
• Determine conference passcode length, leeway, and
warning time
• Configure conference VoIP attributes
• Configure SIP, H.323, and/or RTP
• Change password after logging in
• Return Aastra CNX to factory defaults