
ATP-CNX-040-01 Rel. 1.3, Doc. Rev. 01.07 B-9
Additional information about CDR logs
Where are the CDR logs stored?
When CDR logs are generated, the Aastra CNX automatically stores the logs to
the CompactFlash card for easy access and download when required. You can
download these logs to your local PC using the log file tools on the Maintain
CNX tab in the Aastra CNX GUI.
You can download a single CDR or multiple CDRs from the Aastra CNX
CompactFlash card to your local PC. You can also delete single or multiple CDR
logs as required.
The following illustration shows an example of CDR logs stored on the Aastra
For a procedure on downloading CDR logs and core files, see Chapter 5,
“Maintaining the Aastra CNX.”