ATP-CNX-040-01 Rel. 1.3, Doc. Rev. 01.07 3-1
Chapter 3
Configuring the Aastra CNX
You perform an initial configuration of the Aastra CNX from the console port.
Initial configuration includes setting specific essential parameters, including the
unit’s network settings. Successful initial configuration allows you to complete
the unit’s software configuration using a web-based GUI.
Initial configuration
After installing the Aastra CNX, you must initially configure the unit to operate in
your network by specifying its hostname, Ethernet IP address, Netmask, default
gateway, NTP servers, and date and time. When you power up the Aastra CNX for
the first time, a setup script runs to allow you to initially configure the unit for
your network.
For more information about the Aastra CNX hardware installation and for a
procedure to perform the initial configuration, see the Aastra CNX Conference
Network Switch Installation and Setup Guide.