
3Com Switch 8800 Configuration Guide Chapter 50 SSH Terminal Service
z The minimum and maximum lengths for the host key and the server key are 512
bits and 2048 bits respectively.
Perform the following configuration in system view.
Table 50-3 Generate an RSA key pair
Operation Command
Generate an RSA key pair
rsa local-key-pair create
Destroy an RSA key pair
rsa local-key-pair destroy
z Generating the RSA key pair of the server is the first step to perform after SSH login.
z This command needs to be performed only once; you need not re-perform it after
rebooting the switch.
z If a key pair exists before the configuration, a prompt will appear asking if you want
to replace it.
III. Configuring the user authentication mode
Use this configuration task to specify the authentication mode for an SSH user. You
must specify an authentication mode for a new user; otherwise, the new user will not be
able to log in.
Perform the following configuration in system view.
Table 50-4 Configure the authentication mode for an SSH user
Operation Command
Configure the authentication
mode for an SSH user
ssh user username authentication-type
{ password | rsa | password-publickey | all }
Restore the default
unable-to-login mode
undo ssh user username
By default, no login authentication mode is specified, that is, SSH users are unable to
log in.
IV. Configuring the updating cycle of the server key
Use this configuration task to set the updating cycle of the server key to secure the SSH
connection in best effort.
Perform the following configuration in system view