
3Com Switch 8800 Configuration Guide Chapter 50 SSH Terminal Service
Num Item Command Description
Configure the SSH
compatibility mode
[SW8800] ssh server
compatible_ssh1x enable
By default, the
server is
with the
SSH1.x client.
I. Configuring the protocol the current user interface supports
Use this configuration task to specify the protocol the current user interface supports.
Perform the following configuration in VTY user interface view.
Table 50-2 Configure the protocol the current user interface supports
Operation Command
Configure the protocol the current user
interface supports
protocol inbound { all | pad | ssh |
telnet }
By default, the system supports all protocols.
z If the supported protocol configured in the user interface is SSH, make sure to
configure the authentication mode for logging into the user interface to
authentication-mode scheme (using AAA authentication mode).
z If the authentication mode is configured as authentication-mode password or
authentication-mode none, the configuration of protocol inbound ssh will fail,
and vice versa.
II. Generating or destroying an RSA key pair
Use this configuration task to generate or destroy an RSA key pair (including the host
key and server key) of the server. The naming conventions for the keys are switchname
+ host and switchname + server respectively.
After this command is entered, the system prompts you to input the number of the key
pair bits. Pay attention to the following:
z The host key and the server key must have a difference of at least 128 bits in