
3Com Switch 8800 Configuration Guide Chapter 20 Integrated IS-IS Configuration
protocol specifies the routing protocol sources for advertising routes, which can be
direct, static, rip, bgp, ospf, ospf-ase, and so on.
z The filter-policy import command only filters the ISIS routes received from the
neighbors, and routes that cannot pass the filter will not be added to the routing
table. This command takes effect on Level-1-2 routers.
z The filter-policy export command only takes effect to the routes imported by the
import-route command. If you configure the switch with only the filter-policy
export command, but without configuring the import-route command to import
other external routes, then the filter-policy export command does not take effect.
z If the filter-policy export command does not specify which route to be filtered, then
the all the routes imported by the import-route command will be filtered.
20.2.9 Configuring IS-IS Routing Leak
By virtual of IS-IS routing leak function, a Level-2 router can advertise the routing
information of Level-1 areas and the Level-2 area it knows to a Level-1 router.
Perform the following configuration in IS-IS view.
Table 20-10 Configure IS-IS routing leak
Operation Command
Enable IS-IS routing leak
import-route isis level-2 into level-1 [ acl
acl-number ]
Disable IS-IS routing leak
undo import-route isis level-2 into level-1 [ acl
acl-number ]
By default, a Level-2 router does not advertise its routing information to a Level-1 area.
20.2.10 Setting IS-IS Route Summary
Users can set the routes with the same next hops as one route in the routing table.
Perform the following configurations in IS-IS view.
Table 20-11 Set a summary route
Operation Command
Set a summary route
summary ip-address ip-mask [ level-1 | level-1-2 |
level-2 ]
Delete the summary route
undo summary ip-address ip-mask [ level-1 |
level-1-2 | level-2 ]