
3Com Switch 8800 Configuration Guide Chapter 30 MSDP Configuration
qualified (S, G) entries in the multicast routing table when creating SA messages, that is,
to control the (S,G) entries imported from the multicast routing table to the domain.
Please perform the following configurations in MSDP view.
Table 30-8 Filtering the multicast routing entries imported
Operation Command
Advertise only the (S, G) entries permitted by
the ACL
import-source [ acl acl-number ]
Remove the above configuration
undo import-source
By default, only intra-domain sources are advertised in SA messages.
If the import-source command without acl parameter is executed, no source is
advertised in SA messages.
II. Filtering SA request messages
Please perform the following configurations in MSDP view.
Table 30-9 Filtering SA request messages
Operation Command
Filter all the SA request messages from a
specified MSDP peer
peer peer-address sa-request-policy
Filter the SA request messages of the
groups of a specified MSDP peer
permitted by the basic ACL from
peer peer-address sa-request-policy
acl acl-number
Remove the configuration of filtering SA
request messages
undo peer peer-address
By default, only the routers which caches SA messages can repond to SA request
messages. Routers receive all SA request messsages from its MSDP peers.
Multicast group addresses are described in ACL. If no ACL is specified, all SA request
messages sent by the corresponding MSDP peer will be ignored. If an ACL is specified,
only SA request messages of the groups permitted by the ACL will be processed.
30.2.9 Controlling the Source Information Forwarded
Controlling of source information also includes that of forwarding and receiving source
information besides that of creating source information. The outbound filter or time to
live (TTL) threshold of SA messages can be used to control the SA message forwarding.
By default, all SA messages are forwarded to other MSDP peers.