
3Com Switch 8800 Configuration Guide Chapter 21 BGP Configuration
suppressed. With time going, the penalty value will decrease according to power
function, and when it decreases to certain specific threshold, the route suppression will
be eliminated and the route will be re-advertised.
Perform the following configuration in BGP view.
Table 21-28 Configure BGP route dampening
Operation Command
Configure BGP route dampening
dampening [ half-life-reachable
half-life-unreachable reuse suppress
ceiling ] [ route-policy
route-policy-name ]
Clear route attenuation information and
eliminating the suppression of the route
reset dampening [ network-address
[ mask ] ]
Cancel BGP route dampening
undo dampening
By default, route dampening is disabled.
II. Clear route attenuation information
Perform the following configuration in user view to clear route attenuation information.
Table 21-29 Clear route attenuation information
Operation Command
Clear route attenuation information
reset bgp dampening
[ network-address [ mask ] ]
After you use the reset bgp dampening command, the command will release the
suppression of a suppressed route.
21.2.10 Configuring BGP Preference
Three types of routes may be involved in BGP: routes learned from external peers,
routes learned from internal peers and local-originated routes. You can set preference
values for the three types of route.
Perform the following configuration in BGP view.
Table 21-30 Configure BGP preference
Operation Command
Configure BGP preference preference ebgp-value ibgp-value local-value
Restore the default preference
undo preference