
3Com Switch 8800 Configuration Guide
Chapter 40 AAA and RADIUS/TACACS+ Protocol Con
users already online. An ISP is in active state once it is created, that is, at that time,
all the users in the domain are allowed to request network services.
z Maximum number of supplicants specifies how many supplicants can be
contained in the ISP. For any ISP domain, there is no limit to the number of
supplicants by default.
z The idle cut function means: If the traffic from a certain connection is lower than
the defined traffic, cut off this connection.
z The PPP access users can obtain IP addresses through the PPP address
negotiation function.
Perform the following configuration in ISP domain view.
Table 40-3 Configure relevant attributes of an ISP domain
Operation Command
Configure the AAA scheme used by an
ISP domain
scheme { radius-scheme
radius-scheme-name [ local ] |
TACACS+-scheme-name [ local ] |
local | none }
Restore the default AAA scheme used
by an ISP domain
undo scheme { radius-scheme |
TACACS+-scheme | none }
Specify the ISP domain state to be used state { active | block }
Set a limit to the amount of supplicants
access-limit { disable | enable
max-user-number }
Restore the limit to the default setting
undo access-limit
Enable accounting to be optional
accounting optional
Disable accounting to be optional
undo accounting optional
Set the idle idle-cut { disable | enable minute flow }
Define an address pool to assign IP
addresses to users
ip pool pool-number low-ip-address
[ high-ip-address ]
Delete the specified address pool undo ip pool pool-number
By default, the local scheme is adopted, an ISP domain is in active state once it is
created, no limit is set to the amount of supplicants, accounting optional is disabled,
idle-cut is disabled, and no IP address pool is defined.
40.2.3 Configuring Self-Service Server URL
The self-service-url enable command must be incorporated with a RADIUS server
(such as a CAMS server) that supports self-service. Self-service means that users can
manage their accounts and card numbers by themselves. And a server with the
self-service software is called a self-service server.