Be sure to follow your database software’s guidelines for sizing the installation and configuring an efficient physical
architecture for the database. You may need to take extra action, for example, to create separate table spaces. You
may also need to edit the provided database scripts before execution.
For more information on the Learning Management System databases and database schemas, refer to the
Administrator’s Guide.
DB2 database creation and configuration for the Learning Management
System: an example
In this DB2 database creation example, the database schemas are logically distinct and can be located on the same
DB2 instance or different instances.
The database can be located on the application server, but for performance and security reasons it is best to have it
on a dedicated database server.
This installation example involves the following
• copying the database creation scripts to the database server
• editing the scripts for site specific considerations (for example, file placement and size)
• running the scripts
• running a script that creates site specific seed data.
Installation Requirements
You must have the following to complete this example procedure successfully
• An installed and running DB2 instance.
Note: Refer to
bin/db2www/data/db2/udb/winos2unix/support/v7pubs.d2w/en_main for more information DB2 and how
to install it.
• Unicode codeset. For multilingual support, a unicode (UTF-8) codeset must be used for database creation.
An example script is supplied with the product. Note: You create a database for each schema with DB2. See
the example below for more information.
• Sufficient disk space and memory. Refer to your DB2 documentation for these requirements.
Before you begin
• If you are installing on a system that currently has the Learning Management System databases, you must
either back up and drop those databases OR edit the supplied scripts to provide new database names.
• You must be running JDBC 2.0 or higher.
• UNIX USERS: Before running scripts in a UNIX environment, make sure that the “execute” permission is set.
• SOLARIS USERS: Before installing the DB2 for Solaris product using the DB2Setup Utility or the DB2_install
and PKGADD commands, you may have to update your system's kernel configuration parameters. The
following lines should be added to the file, /etc/system. You must reboot your machine after updating
any kernel configuration parameters:
set msgsys:msginfo_msgmax=0xFFFF
set msgsys:msginfo_msgmnb=0xFFFF
38 IBM Lotus LMS Release 1 Installation Guide