the WebSphere and the Learning Management System administrator (who may be one and the same
The organization of the LDAP directory is a key factor in operating the Learning Management System. Many
aspects of the Learning Management System operation require that directory path expressions be specified.
An example is rostering. While users can be rostered in the application manually, large deployments will
either employ the "roster from file" capability, where a directory LDIF file is imported into the system, or will
employ "auto rostering" where a directory path or group indicating users who should be given access is
For more information, refer to “Chapter 6 Installing or identifying the LDAP Directory.”
5. Run the Learning Management System Installer to install the necessary Learning
Management Server and Delivery Server files
The Learning Management System Installer installs all of the files necessary for the eventual deployment of
the Learning Management System and Delivery Servers. The Installer also gives you the option to install
additional Learning Management System-related utilities and tools. The final deployment of each
application is then carried out via the application server Admin console (explained later in this section).
For more information, refer to “Chapter 7 Installing the Learning Management Server application files” and
“Chapter 8 Installing the Delivery Server application files.”
6. Install and/or configure logical database servers and schema
The Learning Management System requires a number of different logical databases to function. They are the
Learning, Audit, and Delivery databases. The needed database server software must be installed on the
desired systems. Vendor-supplied database utilities are then used to run SQL scripts supplied with the
Learning Management System product. These SQL scripts create and initialize the needed databases for the
Learning Management System to operate.
The scripts are named for their logical database and database platform. For example, the script to create the
Audit database on IBM’s DB2 is audit_db2.sql while lmm_oracle.sql creates the Learning
Management System database on an Oracle system. To create and initialize the three databases, keeping
them logically separated, perform the following steps:
• If you are running Oracle, obtain three separate accounts for your DB system: one each for Audit,
Learning, and Delivery databases. If you are running SQL Server or DB2, you will create three separate
databases rather than a single partitioned database.
• Do the following using your database vendor’s tools:
o Log in using your Audit database account.
o Execute the supplied Audit SQL script for your database platform.
o Log in using your Learning Management System database account.
o Execute the supplied Learning Management System SQL script for your database platform.
o Log in using your Delivery account.
o Execute the supplied Delivery Server SQL script for your database platform.
Be sure to follow the database software guidelines for sizing the installation and configuring an efficient
physical architecture for the database. You may need to take extra action, for example, to create separate
tablespaces. You may also need to edit the database scripts before execution.
Chapter 3: LMS Installation Overview 7