Appendix A
LMS Performance and Fine-tuning Information
This chapter discusses post-installation tasks related to the running, maintenance, and fine-tuning of LMS
operations. These tasks are not necessary to get LMS running, but are recommended for improving and correcting
system performance.
The appendix contains the following sections:
• Moving static LMS elements to the Web Server
• Tuning LDAP performance
• Tuning database server performance
• Tuning TCP/IP settings on LMS servers
• Tuning HTTP servers
• Tuning performance using the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console
• Tuning the LMS applications
For the sections on TCP/IP, Web Server, and WebSphere Application Server tuning, some of the information was
taken from the WebSphere Application Server 5.0 Tuning Guide. This online document can be found at:
Moving static LMS elements to the Web Server
In a three-tier LMS configuration, you should consider moving static LMS user interface elements to the Web server.
For best performance, the static elements of the LMS user interface should be located directly on the HTTP server
where you installed the WebSphere plug-in.
For this purpose, the LMS installation comes with two Web archive (.WAR) files containing the static elements of the
Learning Server and Delivery Server. After you extract the .WAR files to the HTTP server, you modify the
WebSphere plug-in configuration file so that it does not redirect requests for static elements to WAS. Since .WAR
files are actually zip files, you can use any program that can handle zip files to extract the compressed files.
Note: A very small (and free) Windows zip program with a graphical user interface is the 100 K Zipper, which
can be found at:
http://www.quickzip.org/. A free command line tool for decompressing zip files, which is
provided for a wide variety of operating systems, is Info-ZIP’s UnZip, located at: http://www.info-
Installing static files for the Learning Server user interface
Use the following steps to install the static elements on the Learning Server:
1. Copy the lms-lmm-http.war file to the HTTP server. The war file can be found in the web-apps directory of
the LMS installation folder.
2. Install a program on the HTTP server for decompressing zip files.
3. Create a directory lms-lmm in the document root of the HTTP server, or create it somewhere else and
configure it as virtual directory lms-lmm.
4. Extract the war file to the lms-lmm directory. If you installed the unzip command, you would use, for
example: unzip lms-lmm-http.war -d d:\IBMHttpServer\htdocs\en_US\lms-lmm
Appendix A: LMS Performance and Fine-tuning Information 103