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If you experience power or equip-
ment failure, the power ramp can
be manually stowed and deployed.
Have an assistant manually stow
and deploy the ramp. Push ramp
out RQO\ if assistant is not avail-
Using both hands, grip the ramp
bi-fold extension equal distance
from center. &DUHIXOO\ deploy and
stow the ramp. See Photo at right.
Keep clear of the area in which
the hinged ramp bi-fold extension
deploys and stows. Remember to
use good body mechanics when
folding and unfolding the ramp.
Keep clear of hinge area.
The safety precautions addressed
in the Power Ramp Safety section
also apply when manually operat-
ing a ramp. Read and become
Follow these additional precau-
tions for manual operation of the
ramp also.
Do not release the ramp when
manually deploying or stowing the
ramp. The ramp will free-fall.
Push the ramp out from inside the
vehicle RQO\ if an assistant is not
available. The ramp will free-fall.
Use both hands to grip ramp
equal distance from center.