Page 9
Whenever parking your Rampvan
and before utilizing Rampvan
features, always engage the ve-
hicle transmission in Park “P” and
engage the vehicle parking brake.
The vehicle transmission must
be engaged in Park “P,” before
operating the Rampvan automatic
features. Rampvan power func-
tion control switches cannot be
activated if the vehicle transmis-
sion is not in Park.
“Kneeling” is the lowering motion
of the Rampvan electromechanical
rear suspension. The term “De-
ploy” indicates the lowering motion
of the ramp to the deployed posi-
tion. “Stow” is the raising motion
of the ramp to the vertical (stowed)
The terms “Open” and “Close”
refer to sequences of power func-
tions that will occur when acti-
vated by the One-Touch electronic
control system. When activating
the Open functions, the power
door opens, the kneel system
lowers the rear of the vehicle and
the ramp unfolds. When activating
Close functions, the ramp folds,
the kneel system raises the rear
of the vehicle and the power door
Rampvan power functions are
managed by a One-Touch elec-
tronic control system. The control
system can be activated using the
Toyota remote keyless entry trans-
mitter or any one of the controls
addressed on pages 10-12.
Do not attempt to interface
aftermarket control systems.
Braun Corporation
The Braun Corporation manufac-
tures dedicated control systems
for its products. These control
systems have been designed
and tested for use in conjunction
Braun control systems are the
RQO\ control systems authorized
for use with Braun products.
Do not attempt to interface after-
market control systems without
authorization from The Braun
Corporation. To do so may