Basket Swivel Cylinder Removal and Installation
1. Fully lower the outriggers and raise the upper boom. Position the basket for easy
access to the hydraulic cylinder (Figure 4-10) mounted on the bottom of the
work basket.
Figure 4-10. Basket Swivel Cylinder
2. Place absorbent drip cloths below the cylinder ports. Remove the hydraulic
hoses from the jib boom cylinder. Plug the hose fittings to prevent fluid leakage.
Protect exposed cylinder ports with plugs and caps.
3. Remove the keeper pins from both ends of the cylinder. Remove the hydraulic
4. Secure the keeper pins to the mating beam for use during cylinder installation.
5. After repairing the hydraulic cylinder, reinstall the cylinder in the reverse order
of removal.
6. Power up the hydraulic system and check for leakage. Tighten the hydraulic fit-
tings as needed.
7. Bleed entrapped air from the hydraulic cylinder according to instructions in
paragraph 4-4.