6. If removing the lower boom lift cylinder, fully retract the cylinder. Use the pivot
pin to turn the piston rod pivot boss 90°. Lower the cylinder through the relief
slot in the stabilizer beam (not shown).
7. Turn off the key switch and remove the key.
8. Tag the hydraulic hoses that connect to the cylinder valve block. Each valve
block port is stamped with an identity number.
9. Place absorbent drip cloths below the cylinder ports. Remove the hydraulic
hoses from the lift cylinder. Elevate the hoses to help prevent fluid leakage. Pro-
tect exposed hose fittings and cylinder ports with plugs and caps.
10. At the base of the cylinder, unscrew and remove the keeper pins from both sides
of the boom pivot pin. Thread the removed keeper pin hardware to the boom for
use during cylinder installation.
11. Drive out the pivot pin with a hammer and a brass or hardwood drift.
12. Lift and remove the cylinder using an overhead hoist and lifting straps.
13. After repairing the hydraulic cylinder, reinstall the cylinder in the reverse order
of removal.
14. Power up the hydraulic system and check for leakage. Tighten the hydraulic fit-
tings as needed.
15. Bleed entrapped air from the hydraulic cylinder according to instructions in
paragraph 4-4.
NOTE: Do not tamper with the cylinder counterbalance or manual lowering
valves. If the valves need adjustment, contact the Bil-Jax Service
Department at 800-537-0540.
Outrigger Cylinder Removal and Installation
1. Lower the outrigger until the foot pad meets the floor and supports only the out-
rigger beam. Leave the weight of the boom lift on the trailer wheels.
2. At the piston rod end of the cylinder, unscrew and remove the keeper pins from
both sides of the boom pivot pin. Thread the removed keeper pin screws and
keeper pins to the outrigger beam for use during cylinder installation.
3. Place a block of wood shoring between the outrigger beam and cylinder.