
QUALCOMM Incorporated
Unknown field 38
Edit User Dictionary dialog
Add button 39
Clear button 40
Delete button 40
Spelling Options dialog
Ignore capitalized words 40
Ignore words with all capitals 40
Ignore words with mixed case 40
Ignore words with numbers 40
Report doubled words 40
Suggest words 40
Choose a Nickname File dialog 160
Clear command 187
Clear Formatting button 24
Clear Formatting command 30, 187
Client 287
Clock icon, in the Status column 45, 95
Close button, in a docked window 133
Close command 185
Close messages with mailbox
how to enter in Options 213
Color button 23
Color submenu 30
columns 284
command 32, 190
all mailboxes 98
one mailbox 98
Compact Mailboxes command 98, 191, 192
Composition window 21
Compound Sorting 119
Configuration option 86
Connect using Dial-up networking
how to enter in Options 205
contains option 114
Contents tab 241
Context menu, for tool windows 138
Context Sensitive Help command 15, 195
Copy & Unwrap command (Shift-Copy) 31
Copy blind
with Name field in Address Book 159
Copy command 187
Copy originals priority to reply
how to enter in Options 206
Copy originals priority to reply option 28, 63
Copy To action 116
Copy To command 160
Copying a message to a mailbox 25, 106
definition 287
Creating a new alternate account (personality) 77
Creating a new tabbed window 137
Creating a vacation message 117
Customize command 142
Customize dialog 142
Customize the ads you see 18
Cut command 187
definition 287
creating 173
modifying 182
Databases list 167, 168, 172
Databases, default (Directory Services) 172
Date column 97
Date Display Options 97, 218
Date formats
how to enter in Options 218
Date formatting 97
Decoding attachments 33
Default Domain option 85
Default signature
how to enter in Options 204
Default Signature option 85
Default Stationery option 85
Delete all messages on server option 58
Delete all messages that have been retrieved option 58
Delete attachments when emptying Trash
how to enter in Options 208
Delete attachments when emptying Trash option 106
Delete automatic attachments
how to enter in Options 208
Delete button 173
Delete command 61, 105, 106, 190
Delete from server after ? day(s)
how to enter in Options
POP server 201
Delete from server after ? days option 56, 87
Delete From Server button 52
Delete from server when emptied from Trash
how to enter in Options
POP server 201
Delete from server when emptied from Trash option 58, 87
Delete messages marked for deletion option 58
Delete queued mail
how to enter in Options 226
Delete server status 57, 97, 116
Delete unread mail
how to enter in Options 226
Delete unsent mail
how to enter in Options 226
Deleting 183
Deleting a personality 88
Deleting a signature 69
Deleting mail
from the IMAP server 60
Deleting stationery 72
descmap.pce file 240
Detaching attachment 32
Diagonal arrow, in the Status column 65, 95
Dialup Networking
definition 288
Dictionary files 242