Eudora User Manual Window Menu
QUALCOMM Incorporated
Window Menu
All of Microsoft Windows’ standard Window menu options are listed in this menu including
the names of all normal Eudora windows that you currently have open (tabbed window
groups are listed by the currently active window in the tabbed group). Note that this menu
does not apply to docked or floating Eudora windows. See “Managing Windows in Eudora”
on page 129 for more information on normal, docked, floating, and tabbed windows. Click
the page number to display the topic.
Window menu
Cascade—Display all open normal Eudora windows in a cascading fashion (diagonally
offset from each other in a stack).
Tile Horizontal—Display all open normal Eudora windows in a tiled (edge to edge)
fashion with horizontal edges touching (top to bottom).
Tile Vertical—Display all open normal Eudora windows in a tiled (edge to edge) fashion
with vertical edges touching (left to right).
Arrange Icons—Arrange all Eudora window icons, representing minimized normal
Eudora windows, in a line at the bottom of the Eudora main window work area. These
icons are also represented by buttons on the Eudora taskbar.
Send To Back—Send the topmost open normal Eudora window to the back of all
displayed windows. A tabbed window group is considered a single window for this
[Your Windows]—All normal Eudora windows that are open appear here. Tabbed
windows are represented as single windows, identified by the currently active window in
the group. Select the desired window to bring that window (or the tabbed group containing
it) to the front of all displayed windows.
Help Menu
Go to this menu to get help, read a tip, register Eudora, insert system configuration, or see
information about this release.