
Eudora User Manual Settings
QUALCOMM Incorporated
MainWindowState 1 The state of the Main Window (normal = 1, minimized = 2,
or maximized = 3). The state is set when Eudora closes,
and the Main Window is set to this state the next time
Eudora starts up.
MaxConcurrentTasks 10 The maximum number of background tasks that can be
running at the same time. Note that if you are connected
over a modem (dialup networking connection) only one
network task at a time will be run, otherwise network
performance would suffer greatly.
MDNSendAddress 0 Controls whether your return address should be used in
the MAIL FROM command for return receipts. RFC 2298
says that it should be empty in order to prevent mail
loops, but some SMTP servers reject that due to bad
spam-prevention heuristics.
NetscapeURLDDE 1 If this setting is on, when clicking on a URL in a message
and Netscape Navigator is running, then Eudora will send
the URL to that open Navigator window. If this setting is
off (i.e. set to zero), then clicking on a URL in a message
will send the URL to the system, which will invoke the
default browser. Some Navigator users may want to turn
this setting off if they like the behavior of opening a new
window (as opposed to reusing an existing browser
window) when clicking on a URL in Eudora.
NetworkOpenTimeout 60 The number of seconds Eudora will wait for a response to
opening a connection before it gives up.
NewMailUpdateFrequency 25 Number of inital messages that have to be spooled before
message processing begins.
NoAutoSendPrecedence list,bulk When filtering incoming messages with precedence
headers of list or bulk, do not automatically create new
outgoing messages.
NoSplashScreen 0 If on, the opening splash screen will not be displayed.
OfflineLinkAction 0 Eudora displays the Offline Link Dialog if you click on an
http: link while offline (not connected to the Internet). That
dialog lets you choose what action should be taken
regarding that link the next time Eudora is online: ask you
if you want to launch the link, launch it without asking,
bookmark the link in your browser, or remind you later.
The dialog now has a checkbox that will make the action
you choose the default from then on, which means you
wont see the Offline Link Dialog any more. It defaults to 0
= ask, and the other values are 1 = launch, 2 = bookmark,
and 3 = remind.
OwnerLok 1 If this is non-zero, an OWNER.LOK file will be created on
startup which helps to prevent possible corruption if
multiple instances of Eudora are used on the same set of
Entry Default Value Description