Eudora User Manual Ph Server Source Code
QUALCOMM Incorporated
Ph Server Source Code
A server for the Ph protocol is available via anonymous FTP from ftp.eudora.com.
Password Change Server
Three sample UNIX servers for Eudora’s Change Password... command (on the Special
menu) are available via anonymous FTP from ftp.eudora.com.
Windows Sockets Products
Demos of Windows Sockets 1.1 compliant stacks and applications are available via anon-
ymous ftp from papa.indstate.edu in the directory winsock-l.
For those with World Wide Web (WWW) browsers, try the following sites. Click the URL to
display website.
The Consummate Winsock Applications list: http://cws.internet.com/
The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software: http://www.tucows.com/
Stardust Technologies: http://www.stardust.com/wsdir/
WinSite: http://www.winsite.com
You can get the necessary files and information for setting up Kerberos authentication in
Eudora from ftp.eudora.com in the directory
eudora/eudorapro/windows/extras/kerberos. Be sure to read the installation instruc-
tions to ensure that Kerberos is set up properly.
To learn more about the Kerberos authentication system, click on the following URL to
display website. http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/www
Spelling Dictionaries
There are additional spelling dictionaries that are compatible with Eudora’s built-in spelling
checker. They are available via anonymous ftp from ftp.eudora.com in the directory
eudora/eudorapro/windows/extras/dictionaries. To configure Eudora to use these
dictionaries, look at the online help (select Topics from the Help menu) under
EUDORA.INI File, [Settings] MainLexfiles.
Developer Information
If you are a software developer and are interested in how to have your application used or
integrated with Eudora, click on the following URL: