Tabbed Windows Eudora User Manual
QUALCOMM Incorporated
Creating a New Tabbed Window
To create a new tabbed window, drag one of the tabs from an existing tabbed window and
drop it onto an exposed portion of the window work area. If the window work area is
completely obscured — a normal window is maximized, for example — then drop the tab
onto the status bar.
The dropped window converts into a normal tabbed window with a single tab. To convert
the window to docked or floating, do the following.
1 To display the drop-down context menu, right-click the tab or the window border
2 To turn off the command, from the context menu choose Float In Main Window. The
check mark disappears.
3 to turn on the command, choose Allow Docking. The check mark appears.
4 While dragging the floating or docked window, you can hold down the Ctrl key to
temporarily suspend docking behavior. When you release the key, docking behavior
Tab Display in Single-Tabbed Windows
If a tool window is in a tabbed window by itself, with one tab, you can hide or show the tab
by doing the following.
1 To display the context menu, right-click the tab or the window border.
2 From the Tab Location submenu, choose Show Single Tab.
Note. You cannot hide the tabs in a tabbed window with two or more tabs.
Tab Contents, Location, Auto-Activation
■ Tab Contents—A window tab contains both the icon and the text label associated with
that window. If there is room enough in the tabbed window, both the icon and the label
appear on each tab. If there is not enough room, only the icon appears for each tab. If
only the icon is visible, pause the mouse pointer over the tab icon and Eudora will
display the tab text in a Tooltip.
■ Tab Location—By default, Eudora arranges window tabs along the bottom edge of a
tabbed window. Sometimes, however, it is more convenient to have the tabs appear
along a different edge. For example, in a short-and-wide tabbed window (one that is
docked horizontally), you can improve the visibility of the window’s contents by moving
the tabs to the left edge. To change the location of the tabs in a tabbed window,
right-click one of the tabs or on the window border, and choose a new location from the
Tab Location submenu of the context menu.
■ Tab Auto-Activation—During a drag and drop operation, if you pause the mouse
pointer over the tab of an inactive window in a tabbed window, that window becomes
active (is brought to the front), and you can complete the drop. For example, if you
drag received messages to the Mailboxes window when it is inactive in a tabbed
window, and pause the pointer over the Mailboxes window’s tab, the window becomes
active and you can drop the messages in a mailbox. Note that tab auto-activation is
disabled when you are dragging a tool window tab.