Settings Eudora User Manual
QUALCOMM Incorporated
Entry Default Value Description
AllowDefPlugins 1 Controls whether or not EMSAPI plug-ins can be
automatically added to the toolbar.
AllowOverwriteMode 1 Controls whether or not toggling the Insert key puts the
message editor into overwrite mode. Helpful for people
who use the Ctrl+Insert and Shift+Insert accelerators for
Copy and Paste and have a tendency to linger on the
Insert key after letting go of the Ctrl/Shift key.
AltClickMoveSummary 1 When you hold down the <Alt> key while clicking on an
item in a mailbox, all messages in that mailbox with the
same item are selected (e.g. <Alt> clicking on a subject
will select all messages in that mailbox with the same
subject). If this switch is on, then the selected messages
will be grouped together as well. You can temporarily turn
this off by holding down the <Shift> key while doing the
<Alt> click.
BackgroundColor 0 Specifies an RGB triple (in hexadecimal) for the color to
use for the "workspace" area of the main Eudora window.
Can be used in conjunction with the BackgroundImage
entry for choosing a color better suited for the image
being displayed. Examples: white is "FFFFFF", black is
"000000", and blue is "0000FF". This setting does *not*
require QuickTime to be installed.
BackgroundImage 0 Specifies an image to be displayed in the "workspace"
area of the main Eudora window (called "Application
Background" in the Appearance tab of the Control
Panel->Display options). It needs to be specified as a full
path name. This setting requires QuickTime to be
BadPasswordString password When the POP server returns an error on sending the
PASS command, the password will only be erased when
the error response includes this text.
BlackTocLines 0 If on, and displaying lines is mailboxes, draw lines as
black instead of gray.
CenterUnreadStatus 1 When on (1), centers the bitmap in Mailbox menu items
that indicate that the mailbox has unread messages. If the
display of this bitmap is not correct, turn this switch off (0).
CheckOwnerFreq 0 How often (in seconds) Eudora should check the
OWNER.LOK file to see if another instance of Eudora has
been started on the same set of mailboxes.
CompactDisk% 5 What the amount of "wasted space" taken up by deleted
messages in a mailbox as a percentage of total free disk
space must be before the mailbox automatically gets
compacted when closed.
CompactMailbox% 50 What the percentage of "wasted space" taken up by
deleted messages in a mailbox must be before the
mailbox automatically gets compacted when closed.