
Eudora User Manual Settings
QUALCOMM Incorporated
QuotePrefix > The string that precedes all lines of the original message
in a forwarded message
QuoteStart The string that gets inserted before the original text of a
forwarded message. A newline is added after the string.
RasUseExisting Connection 1 When switching from a task from one personality to a task
of another personality and the two personalities have
different dialup networking connection entries, whether or
not the already connected dialup networking connection
should be maintained or a new dialup networking
connection made. It may be necessary to turn this setting
off (set to zero) if you have personalities that check mail
on servers that are behind firewalls, and require that you
dial in directly in order to connect to the mail server.
ReadMessageStyleSheet <STYLE
n{font-family =
{font-family =
left = solid
{padding-left =
argin-left =
{margin-top =
HTML style sheet used for displaying received messages.
ReadRecieptAsk 1 Ask user for read receipts.
ReadRecieptNo 0 Always deny read receipts without prompting.
ReadRecieptYes 0 Always return read receipts without prompting.
ReplyAllAttribution At %1, %2
you wrote:
Attribution line when a Reply to All is done.
ReplyAttribution At %1, you wrote: Attribution line when a Reply is done.
ReplyEnd The string that gets inserted after the original text of a
replied message. A newline is added before the string.
ReplyPrefix > The string that precedes all lines of the original message
in a replied message
ReplyStart The string that gets inserted before the original text of a
replied message. A newline is added after the string.
Entry Default Value Description