Eudora User Manual Debug
QUALCOMM Incorporated
The [Debug] section controls aspects of the Eudora log file. The Eudora log file is a handy
tool for debugging network connections, especially when using the dialup connection
Entry Default Value Description
LogFileName EUDORA.LOG The name of the log file.
LogFileSize 1000 The size (in KB) of the log file that, when reached,
will cause the log file to be copied to the file
EUDORLOG.OLD and a new log file to be started.
LogLevel 11 (which is bits 1, 2,
and 4)
A bit-mapped value telling what type of information to
Bit 1 (1): Sending of a message
Bit 2 (2): Receipt of a message
Bit 3 (4): Dialup script navigation commands
Bit 4 (8): Alert messages
Bit 5 (16): Progress messages
Bit 6 (32): All bytes sent
Bit 7 (64): All bytes received
Bit 8 (128): Corrupt mailbox TOC file messages
Bit 9 (256): Basic EMSAPI translator messages
Bit 10 (512): Advanced EMSAPI translator