Creating an Auto-Reply Message (Sponsored and Paid modes only) Eudora User Manual
QUALCOMM Incorporated
Skip Rest—Stops filtering for the message. The message is not matched to the rest of the
filters in the filter list.
Creating an Auto-Reply Message
(Sponsored and Paid modes only)
You can create an email message that can be sent to people automatically when you are
on vacation or away from your computer. This message is called an auto-reply. You create
an auto-reply by using Eudora’s stationery and filter functions.
Before you create the auto-reply, make sure that the Check for mail every _ minutes
(the value you enter must be greater than 0) and Send on check options are turned on in
the Checking Mail options window. See “Checking Mail” on page 199. Click the page
number to display the topic.
Also, make sure you have entered your incoming mail server’s password for your current
session or have Eudora save your password.
To create an auto-reply, do the following.
1 Write your auto-reply message using Eudora’s Stationery functions. Once the
auto-reply message is written, name and save it in stationery. See “Creating New
Stationery” on page 71. Click the page number to display the topic.
2 From the Tools menu, choose Filters. The Filters window appears.
3 In the Match section, choose a header from the Header drop-down list. Select a
header that matches the header in the messages to whom you want to send your
auto-reply. <<Any Recipient>> is the most common for an auto-reply.
Important. If you choose <<Any Recipient>>, all recipients including mailing list you
subscribe to will receive your auto-reply.
For example, to set an auto-reply only to messages sent to your user name, just select
<<Any Recipient>>, then choose “contains.” In the text box, enter your user name. You
can match others as well, but it may cause a large number of emails to be auto-replied.
4 In the Action section, choose Reply with in the first drop-down list.
5 In the text box to the right of the first drop-down list, enter the name of the stationery.
6 Click OK. The stationery message you created will be sent to the people you indicated
in this filter.
Important. Remember to delete this filter when you want your auto-reply message to
Sorting Messages Within Mailboxes
When you check your mail and new messages come into your In box or are filtered into
other mailboxes, the new messages are placed in their mailboxes in the order in which
they arrive. By default, these new messages appear at the bottom of the message
summary list in the mailbox window. Note that this is not necessarily a strict date order,
since occasionally messages may arrive out of date order. (The date indicates when the
message was sent, not when you receive them.)