Current Address Request Descriptions
Execution :
String Status Return DVD player
256384ET<CR> R<CR>
Emulates the “right” click at the
point (256,384) on the screen
6.39 Get Information (DVD)
Function : gets the disc information
Format : Integer GI
Explanation : The command, combined with a 4-digit ID and a 4-digit Sub-ID,
returns the requested information to the player.
Integer = XXXXYYYY
ID (XXXX) Sub-ID (YYYY) Return Data from the Player
0000 Any number E06 (argument error)
0001 0000 to 0023
Any number
The player only returns system parameter information in cases where ID =
0001, otherwise the player returns error message E06.
System Parameter Info (4-digit)
0001 More than 0023 E06 (argument error)
00002 or more E06 (argument error)
Below is a list of the (SPRM) System Parameter. For more information, refer
to "Table Parameters (SPRMs) in the DVD Specifications
for a Read-Only Disc, (Part 3 VIDEO SPECIFICATIONS).
SPRM Explanation
0 Menu Description Language Code (M_LCD)
1 Audio stream number (ASTN) for TT_DOM
2 Sub-picture stream number (SPSTN) & TT_DOM On/Off flag
3 Angle number (AGLN) for TT_DOM
4 Title number (TTN) for TT_DOM
5 VTS Title number (VTS_TTN) for TT_DOM
6 Title PGC number (TT_PGCN) for TT_DOM
7 Part_of_Title number (PTTN) for One_Sequential_PGC_Title
8 Highlighted Button number (HL_BTNN) for Selection state
9 Navigation Timer (NV_TMR)
11 Player Audio Mixing Mode (P_AMXMD) for Karaoke
12 Country Code (CTY_LVL) for Parental Management
13 Parental Level (PTL_LVL)
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