
Current Address Request Descriptions
Argument Function
0 (default) Normal
64 Audio SQ invalid
128 Video SQ invalid
192 VD/AD SQ invalid
6.16 Register D Set
Function : current setting of Register D is rewritten
Format : Integer RD
Explanation : Register D contains the termination setting of the serial
communication (RS232). There are two choices, “CR” or “CR + LF”. The
default for Register D is 0.
Argument Function
0 (default) CR
64 CR + LF
6.17 Print Character
Function : Characters are written into the User's Display Area
(Not to be issued simultaneously with other commands)
Format : Integer PR <CR>
Character string <CR>
Explanation : The command writes a character string for one line into the User
Display Area (turn ON the User Display Specification in Register A).
Follow the instructions listed below to create printed characters.
1. Specify the line number using an integer in the range 0 ~ 9
2. Enter the command character PR
3. Enter the terminate code <CR>
4. Specify the character string to enter in the next command string
(enter a character string up to 32 characters in length)
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