
Command Descriptions
BP Data Explanations
1216 + BARCODE_SRP #n 46H “F” indicates the ID of Picture
+ 1 04H (1) Display mode; a Forced display
+ 2 02H Starting Title Number
+ 3 00H Starting Address Number (MSB)
+ 4 00H Starting Address Number
+ 5 0eH Starting Address Number
+ 6 10H Starting Address Number (LSB)
+ 7 02H Ending Title Number
+ 8 00H The ending Address Number (MSB)
+ 9 00H Ending Address Number
+ 10 12H Ending Address Number
+ 11 c0H Ending Address Number (LSB)
+ 12 00H Group Number
+ 13 01H Group Number
+ 14 00H Unit Number
+ 15 03H Unit Number
+ 16 00H PGC Number
+ 17 04H PGC Number
+ 18 02H PG Number
+ 19 71H (2) The kind of Picture, color
+ 20 00H Line Width
+ 21 00H Picture Starting Point, X (MSB)
+ 22 18H Picture Starting Point, X (LSB)
+ 23 01H Picture Ending Point, X (MSB)
+ 24 04H Picture Ending Point, X (LSB)
+ 25 24H Picture Ending Point, Y
+ 26 c8H Picture Ending Point, Y
*BARCODE_SRP #n : Barcode #n Search Pointer
(1) Display mode:
00H : The player does nothing
01H : Pauses at the starting Address
02H : Displays an “*” while the player is in a registered Address
03H : Pauses and displays an “*” while the unit is in a registered Address
04H : Forces the player to display the picture
05H : Pauses and forces the player to display the picture
0dH : Pauses at the address just before a registered Address
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