
Current Address Request Descriptions
Explanation : The player returns the contents of the Title/Track Number
Register. The Track number is a 2-digit integer. Correct values show only
when the player is in Random Access Mode or is playing the lead-in/out area
of the disc.
Execution :
String Status Return DVD player
Play mode (CD)
?R<CR> 12<CR>
Player plays Track 12
6.3 Chapter Number Request (DVD)
Function : Returns the current Chapter number
Format : ?C
Explanation : The player returns the contents of the Chapter Number Register.
The Chapter number is a 2-digit integer. If a disc does not have Chapter
numbers, the player returns an error message (E04). Correct values show
only when the player is in Random Access Mode or is playing the lead-in/out
area of the disc.
Execution :
String Status Return DVD player
Play mode (CD)
?C<CR> 12<CR>
Player plays Chapter 12
6.4 Time Code Request
Function : Returns the current Time Code
Format : ?T
Explanation : The player returns the contents of the Current Time/Frame
If a DVD disc is playing, a 3-digit number is assigned for minutes and a 2-digit
number is assigned for seconds.
If a CD or VCD disc is playing, a 1-digit number is assigned for hours (fixed
0), a 2-digit number is assigned for minutes and a 2-digit number is assigned
for seconds.
If the player is in Random Access mode or if the player is reading the lead-
in/lead-out area of the disc, the returned value is current and correct.
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