Current Address Request Descriptions
6.28 Input Number Request
Function : returns input numbers
Format : ?N
Explanation : The player waits to send numbers through to any peripherals. If
numbers are input, the player returns the input numbers.
Execution :
String Status Return DVD player
Waits to input the numeric numbers
7<CR> 7<CR>
7 entered from keyboard
6.29 Error Code Request
Function : returns the latest error code
Format : ?E
Explanation : The player returns the most recent error codes. The report
consists of Error Codes logged since the player was powered ON.
6.30 Input Unit Request
Receives the Pause Key command -A39F
Function : returns a code for data input through a Remote control
Format : #I
Explanation : The player returns a four-digit ASCII-Hex code that represents
commands sent through the remote control.
There are two code types, either a four-digit or eight-digit code (Extension
code). When the input command data is two words (eight-digit) in length, the
player truncates or shortens the information. A truncated code consists of an
Upper Byte from the first code and a Lower Byte from the second code. The
player creates a Returning Code or Double Code from these two bytes.
Once the player returns an Input Code, a FFFFh Code (no reactions from the
remote control) repeats until a new code is sent from the remote control.
Execution :
String Status Return DVD player
#I<CR> A39F<CR>
Receives the Pause Key command -
- 71