Computer Control
3.1 Serial Interface Specifications
3.1.1 Signal Interface
The signal interface is a standard RS-232C connection.
3.1.2 Data Type
Data Length: 8 bit
Stop Bit: 1 bit
Parity bit: No Parity
3.1.3 Data Transfer Speed (Baud Rate)
The data transfer speed may be set to either 4800 or 9600 baud
through the Industrial player menu screen or with the Advanced
Feature Menu Set command (refer to the DVD-V7400 Operating
Instructions for command description).
NOTE: The factory default is 4800 baud; however, the player
memorizes the transfer speed each time the power is cycled.
3.2 Communication with a Computer
The DVD-V7400 communicates to the computer through the RS-232C port
using pins 2 and 3 for communication and Pin 1 for grounding. Control or
“handshaking” lines other than the TxD and RxD connections are not
required. Please refer to the diagram below for clarification.
Computer DVD-V7400
Pin 3 - RxD
Pin 2 - TxD
Pin 1 - GND
Some computers require the CTS port to be set to HIGH during
communication. It is best to connect the CTS and DSR port on the computer
to the DTR port on the player. During normal operation the player’s DTR is
set to HIGH thus the unit is able to receive a command at any time.
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