Command Descriptions
Lower digit of Chapter number
searched on Sun. (set it with BCD)
1 bytes
(2) Set the mode on all days during a
1 bytes
(3) Set the ON hour on all days
during a week
1 bytes
Set the ON minute on all days during
a week
1 bytes
(4) Set the OFF hour on all days
during a week
1 bytes
Set the OFF minute on all days
during a week
1 bytes
237 (5) 00 (fixed data = 00H) 1 bytes
(6) Upper digit of Title number or
Stack group number searched on all
days during a week (set with BCD)
1 bytes
Lower digit of Title number of Stack
group number searched on all days
during a week (set with BCD)
1 bytes
(7) Upper digit of Chapter number
searched on all days during a week
(set with BCD)
1 bytes
Lower digit of Chapter number
searched on all days during a week
(set with BCD)
1 bytes
242 - 245 Checksum 4 bytes
(1) Fixed data:
indicates the total data bytes of this transfer with HEX digit
00f6H = 246
indicates the player mode when the player turns ON
It specifies the player mode as follows.
Upper nibble
4: The player will seek the Title and Chapter that is written in the data
8: The player will execute the Stack that is specified in the data
- 50