Command Descriptions
The available address modes are listed below:
Address Mode DVD
FR (Frame) X X
TM (Time) X X X X
CH (Chapter) X X
TI (Title) X X
BK (Block) X
IX (Index) X
TR (Track) X X
Sometimes an Auto Stop command within a VCD Block Number Address
misses the specified address. Depending upon when the command is sent, a
playback address may be missed by a maximum of ten-Blocks.
Execution :
String Status Return DVD player
FR4500SE<CR> Search to Frame
Play mode
Address Mode set = Frame
R<CR> Still mode (DVD)
Search to Chapter 5
Play mode
Address mode set = Chapter
R<CR> Still mode
Searches to Track 2
Play mode
Address mode set = Track
R<CR> Still mode (VCD)
IX902SE<CR> Search to Index 2,
Track 9
Play mode
Address mode set = Index
R<CR> Pause mode (CD)
5.17 Search & Play
Function : Searches to specified address and starts to play immediately
Format : (Address) SL
Explanation : The specified address is written into am appropriate register
according to the Address. The player then compares the address with the
current address. The pick-up moves so that the difference becomes 0.
The player plays a disc immediately after reaching the specific address. In
case the player misses or fails to locate the address, it returns an error code
(E06 or E12). If Frame is selected in Address Mode, the player ignores the
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