Command Descriptions
Execution :
String Status Return DVD player
Play mode
R<CR> Subtitle off
5.29 Select Audio (DVD)
Function : Select Audio
Format : Integer AU
Explanation : The command selects the audio channel (Audio Track). The
player allows up to 8 audio channels for playback. If an unavailable Track is
selected, the player returns an E06 error message.
NOTE: If the setting is 0, the Audio Mute is ON.
Execution :
String Status Return DVD player
Play mode
R<CR> Audio Mute ON
5.30 Select Aspect
Format : Select Aspect Ratio
Function : Integer AP
Explanation : The command sets the Aspect Ratio for playback. The three
ratios are Pan & Scan, Letter Box or Wide. If a disc does not offer video
output options, the player returns an E04 error message.
Argument Aspect Ratio (Video output)
1 Pan & Scan
2 Letter Box
3 Wide
5.31 Select Angle (DVD)
Function : Select Angle
Format : Integer AG
Explanation : The command selects a viewing angle. The player allows up to
9 angles (1AG through 9AG) for playback. If an unavailable angle is
selected, the player returns an error message (E04 or E06).
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