
Modem Information page MIB variables description 80
Model 1001MC Operations Guide 5 • Model 1094ARC management
Warnings (warningCount)
This field displays the warnings that are associated with each modem installed in the system. When warnings
are present, this field will be highlighted in yellow and the number of warnings will be listed. For more infor-
mation on the cause of the warning, you should view the System Log. Warnings will be highlighted in yellow
in the log. The warning for the slot can be erased in the
Slot Configuration page.
Note The System Log will still display the warnings even after the number is
cleared. The warning count listed in the Model 1001MC column is the
sum of all warnings for the system, including the individual modems.
Errors (errorCount)
This field displays the errors that are associated with each modem installed in the system. When errors are
present, this field will be highlighted in red and the number of errors will be listed. For more information on
the cause of the error, you should view the System Log. Errors will be highlighted in red in the log. The errors
for the slot can be erased in the
Slot Configuration page.
Note The System Log will still display the errors even after the number is
cleared. The error count listed in the Model 1001MC column is the
sum of all error s for the system, including the individual modems.
Local User Id (localUserID)
User supplied string that defines the NetLink modem installed in the rack. The string is stored in non-volatile
flash within the NetLink modem and is useful for hardware identification. If the address of the modem is
changed, the User ID will move to the new slot. The string can be up to 10 bytes long and can be changed or
reset within the
Slot Configuration page.
Local Model Code (localModelCode)
This column displays the model code of the NetLink modem installed at the specified address. The Model
Code is also a hyperlink into the configuration page for the NetLink modem and its remote unit. The model
code information is passed to the Model 1001MC after the card is placed online. The Model 1001MC is auto-
sensing, meaning that when a card is found or lost, the information will automatically be updated in the sys-
tem. You are not required to setup the Model Code information for each slot. When a card is removed from
the system, the Model Code will be erased and an error or warning will be displayed for the slot (this depends
on the settings in the
Slot Configuration page)
Remote User Id (remoteUserID)
User supplied string that defines the Customer Premise box at the far end of the link. The string is stored in
non-volatile flash within the CP unit. If the unit is moved, you ID will move to the new slot making it useful
for hardware identification. The string can be up to 10 bytes long and can be changed or reset within the
Configuration page.
Remote Model Code (remoteModelCode)
This column displays the model code of the Customer Premise NetLink modem at the far end of the link. This
information is communicated from the CP box over the link to the CO Rack Card unit. The NetLink mDSL