Model 3088RC Configuration Slot X page MIB variables description 202
Model 1001MC Operations Guide 9 • Model 3088RC management
Line Status (lineStatus)
Displays the status of the line. There are three possible values that can be displayed:
• linedown(1)
• dataMode(2)—When the line status is dataMode(2), the units are linked-up and ready to send data
• testMode(3)
Alarm counters
For the four alarm counters, you may choose to do numerous actions upon detecting errors: nothing, incre-
ment the counter upon each occurrences of the error, send an SNMP trap, or send a Syslog message. The
choice is determined by configuring the
Line Down Indicator on the Slot Configuration Page. The following
table clarifies what the parameter will do.
LOS (losAlarm)
Displays the number of times Loss of Sync on the E1 line is detected. It is incremented when synchronization
to the E1 stream is lost. This number is accumulating in the 1001MC.
Note Alarm counters severity level is controlled by the “Line Down Indica-
tion” level. The following options are available:
• none—Only Syslog message will be sent
• warning—Syslog message will be sent beginning with “box\box.c:
Warning:” and web page warning counter will be incremented
• error—Syslog message will be sent beginning with “box\box.c:
Error:”, the web page error counter will be incremented, and an
SNMP trap message will be sent
Send a Syslog message
Increment the Alarm Counter
on the web page
Send an SNMP trap
None ✔
Warning ✔ ✔
Error ✔ ✔ ✔