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Model 1001MC Operations Guide 10 • HTTP/HTML web page reference
Box Name (boxName)
This variable displays a user defined string that represents the name of the box. This variable can be changed by
the user in the System Info web page.
Box Contact (boxContact)
This variable displays a user defined string that represents the contact for the box. You can change this variable
in the System Info web page.
Box Location (boxLocation)
This variable displays a user defined string that represents the location of the box. You can change this variable
in the System Info web page.
Running Since Last Boot (boxUpTime)
This variable tells you how long the Model 1001MC has been running since it was last reset.
Figure 110. Operating status variables
Operating status variables
There are four system variables which describe the immediate operating status of the NetLink modems
installed in the rack. These variables are shown in figure 110 and are described in the following sections.
Total System Slots Available (totalConfigSlots)
This read-only variable defines the largest address that the system will POLL (address 1 to totalConfigSlots).
Any NetLink modem with an address outside of this range will not be found by the Model 1001MC.
Total Active Slots (totalActiveSlots)
This read-only variable defines the number of NetLink modems currently installed in the system. As the Model
1001MC brings the modems online this number is incremented. After a card is removed from the system, this
number is decrement.
Total System Warnings (boxWarningNumber)
This variable defines the number of warnings that are currently outstanding in the system. This number
includes warnings that have been generated from the NetLink modems as well as the Model 1001MC itself. If
this number is greater than zero, this field will be highlighted in yellow to notify you that the warning exists.
Warnings are cleared through the Configure Cards web page for the system, or the Slot Configuration page for
the individual modems. You can view the System Log page to examine the source of the warnings.
Total System Errors (boxErrorNumber)
This variable defines the number of errors that are currently outstanding in the system. This number includes
errors that have been generated from the NetLink modems as well as the Model 1001MC itself. If this number
is greater than zero, this field will be highlighted in red to notify you that the errors exists. Errors are cleared