Slot Configuration page MIB variables description 154
Model 1001MC Operations Guide 7 • Model 2701RC management
Remote User Id (remoteUserID)
User supplied string that defines the Customer Premise box at the far end of the link. The string is stored in non-
volatile flash within the CP unit. If the unit is moved, the User ID will move to the new slot making it useful for
hardware identification. The string can be up to 10 bytes long and can be changed or reset within this page.
Local Circuit ID (localCircuitID)
The circuit ID is a 40-byte string that is stored in non-volatile flash within the Model 1001MC.
Remote Circuit ID (remoteCircuitID)
The circuit ID is a 40-byte string that is stored in non-volatile flash within the Model 1001MC.
Alarm Information
Clear Slot Alarms (resetStatus)
Selecting this push button erases the alarms (errors and warning) associated with the specified slot.
Note The errors and warning will still be listed in the System Log.
Hardware Reset (resetStatus)
Selecting this push button will force the associated modem to perform a hardware reset.
Card Lost Indication (cardLostIndication)
This variable allows you to choose what type of indication will be made if a modem is removed from the man-
agement system. Three choices are available:
• None(0)
• Warning(1)
• Error(2)
Line Down Indication (lineDownIndication)
This variable allows you to choose what type of indication will be made if a modem reports a line down sce-
nario. Three choices are available:
• None(0)
• Warning(1)
• Error(2)
Note Line Down Indication must be set to error(2) line up and line down
SNMP trap messages to be sent.