System Information 247
Model 1001MC Operations Guide 10 • HTTP/HTML web page reference
Modifying the IP addressing
IP Address (boxIpAddress)
This parameter defines the IP address of the box. Type the address into the text box, then, if you have no other
IP addressing entries to make, click the
Submit button.
IP Mask (boxIpMask)
This parameter defines the IP mask of the box. Type the address into the text box, then, if you have no other IP
addressing entries to make, click the
Submit button.
Gateway (boxGateway)
This parameter defines the current gateway for the network. Type the address into the text box, then, if you
have no other IP addressing entries to make, click the
Submit button.
Note After submitting the IP addressing information, you must click on
Record Current Configuration button located on the HOME
page to store the configuration changes into memory (see “HOME”
on page 228 for more information).
Box Contact Information
Box Location (boxLocation)
User defined string that represents the location of the box. This variable is displayed on the HOME page.
Type the box location into the text box, then, if you have no other box contact entries to make, click the Sub-
mit button.
Box Name (boxName)
User defined string that represents the name of the box. This variable is displayed on the HOME page.
Type the box name into the text box, then, if you have no other box contact entries to make, click the Submit
Box Contact (boxContact)
User defined string that represents the contact for the box. This variable is displayed on the HOME page.
Type the box contact information into the text box, then, if you have no other box contact entries to make,
click the
Submit button.
Note After submitting the box contact information, you must click on the
Record Current Configuration button located on the HOME page to
store the configuration changes into memory (see “HOME” on
page 228 for more information).
SNMP and HTTP Password Information
Superuser Password (boxSnmpMasterPassword)
This password will allow full access rights to the box (read-write). Change the password by typing the new
password into the Superuser Password and Superuser Password Verification fields, then click the
Submit button.