
Model 1095 Configuration—Next Configuration page MIB variables description 108
Model 1001MC Operations Guide 6 • Model 1095RC management
The following sections describes the MIB variables that are available on the Model 1095 Configuration—Next
Configuration page.
Card Address (nmsSlotID)
Displays the address of the selected NetLink-mDSL modem.
Line Status (lineStatus1095)
This variable displays the status of the line. There are three possible values that can be displayed:
dataMode(2)—In this mode, the units are linked-up and ready to send data
Processor Mode (processorMode1095)
This variable displays the status of the processor running on the NetLink-mDSL. There are four values that are
significant to you:
normal(0)—When the processor is in normal(0) mode, the NetLink - mDSL modem is monitoring itself
and sending the status information to the Model 1001MC
internalProcessing(1)—When the processor is in the internalProcessing(1) mode, it is either busy down-
loading code to the internal DSP or setting the data pump.
negotiating(2)—When the processor is in the negotiating(2) mode, the card was just brought online and
the NetLink-mDSL is setting up the configuration parameters within the Model 1001MC.
At startup, all of the fields will be highlighted in yellow, signifying that they are not verified parameters. As the
NetLink-mDSL sets up the parameters, the highlighting disappears, signifying that the display matches the set-
ting of the card.
Local Software Rev (softVersion1095)
These read-only MIB variable displays the current version of code that is running in the NetLink-mDSL rack
card modem. You should check the download web page to see if the Model 1001MC has a newer version of
code available for downloading. Through the download web page, you can update the software that is running
in the NetLink-mDSL rack card.
Remote Software Rev (remotesoftversion1095)
These read-only MIB variable displays the current version of code that is running in the NetLink-mDSL Cus-
tomer Premise modem. You can update the software in the NetLink stand alone unit through the front panel
control port on the unit. For more information regarding software downloads for standalone units, visit the
Patton Electronics web site at www.patton.com.
Back… hyperlink
After making modifications, click the Back hyperlink, thereby returning the unit to onLine mode to implement
the changes.