Booting the Model 1001MC 38
Model 1001MC Operations Guide 3 • Getting started
5. After pressing the b key three times the system will display the following:
Timer Started May 11 1999 14:44:24
Timer installed
Clock installed
Trying the console
---Ethernet Hardware---
Address: 00.a0.ba.00.01.71
---Current IP settings---
Change IP settings (y/n)?
4. Type Y to change the IP address. You will be prompted to enter a new IP address, mask, and default gate-
way as follows:
---Current IP settings---
Change IP settings (y/n)? y
User Set IP:
User Set Mask:
User Set Gateway:
---Settings to save---
Save these settings (y/n)? Y
5. After entering the information, the system will prompt you to save the IP settings. Type Y to save the
new settings.
6. The Model 1001MC will prompt you for changes to the hardware revision that your unit requires
as follows:
---Hardware Initialization---
Current Hardware Revision B
Change Hardware Revision (y/n)? n
Note In most cases you should select N to keep the current revision. The
hardware revision should only be changed if you are upgrading to the
latest firmware release.