Model 2701 Configuration page MIB variables description 149
Model 1001MC Operations Guide 7 • Model 2701RC management
period, the unit will automatically time out and return to normal data mode. The timeout does not apply for
loops selected via the front panel switches.
RDL type (rdlType)
This displays the selected remote loopback type that will be used when initiating a remote loopback. The two
loopback types are CSU and RDL.
Configuration Type (configType)
This displays if the 2701RC is using the DIP switch control or software control for its configuration.
TM from DTE (testModeDTE)
This displays if the 2701RC responds to the LL and RDL signals coming from the DTE.
Software Version (softVersion2701RC)
This displays the software version of code in the 2701RC.
Reset button
Software reset the E-carrier function card on its next poll from 1001MC.
Model 2701 Configuration page MIB variables description
The Model 2701 Configuration page enables you to update the configuration of the 2701RC NetLink-E1 NTU
modems that are installed in the system. After making changes to the configuration on this page, select Back to
return to the
Model 2701 Configuration Slot page, then select onLine as the Input Mode, and finally, select Sub-
mit Query to send the new information to the Model 1001MC over the network. Starting from the HOME page,
click on the following links: Home (menu) > Configure Cards (menu) > View Rack [rack number] > model2701RC-
xxx(x) (in the Local Model Code column) > change input mode to Supervisory > Modify Configuration.
Note If the NetLink-E1 NTU modems are not connected, and changes
made to the remote configuration will be lost after the units link-up.
All parameters in the Local column can be changed at any time.
The following sections describes the MIB variables that are available on the Model 2701 Configuration—Con-
figuration page.
Line Status (lineStatus2701RC)
This variable displays the status of the line. There are three possible values that can be displayed:
• startup(1)
• dataMode(2)—When the line status is dataMode(2), the units are linked-up and ready to send data
• testMode(3)
Software Version (softVersion2701RC)
This read-only MIB variable displays the current version of code that is running in the NetLink-E1 rack
card modem.