Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Engine Top End
Valve Clearance Inspection
Check the valve clearance only when the engine is cold
(at room temperature).
Left Side Cover (see Frame chapter)
Battery Case (see Frame chapter)
Valve Adjusting Caps [A]
Recoil Starter (see Recoil Starter chapter)
Remove the timing inspection plug [A].
Special Tool - Filler Cap Driver [B]: 57001-1454
Turn the crankshaft counterclockwise with a wrench on
the alternator rotor bolt until “T-F” mark [A] on the alter-
nator rotor aligns with the notch [B] as shown: the end of
the compression stroke in the front cylinder head.
Measure the clearance for all four valves, one at a t ime
between the end of the valve stem and the adjusting
screw [A] with the thickness gauge [B].
Valve Clearance (when cold)
0.20 ∼ 0.25 mm (0.0079 ∼ 0.0098 in.)
0.10 ∼ 0.15 mm (0.0039 ∼ 0.0059 in.)
If the valve clearance is not correct, adjust it (see Valve
Clearance Adjustment).