Home Cell Mode
The library operates in either fixed home cell or floating home cell mode. The home
cell mode selection is made by the service representative, during the teach process,
as follows:
Fixed home cell
Fixed home cell mode assigns each physical cartridge to a fixed storage
cell location when it enters the library, and it is always returned to the same
location after it is used.
Floating home cell
A physical cartridge is put into a cartridge cell location that optimizes
1. Regardless of the mode specified during installation, the library only operates in
fixed home cell mode when in Manual mode.
Operational States
The library operates in one of the following operational states:
Library manager initialization
The tape library starts the library manager application, power-on and interface
verification tests, library manager database verification, and restarts error recovery
(if applicable).
Figure 30. Standby Library Manager
Chapter 4. Operational Modes and States, and Informational States 65