— This indicates that the parameter is not used for this Library Manager
OPINT messages.
Valid Gripper values are: 1, which indicates gripper one; and 2, which
indicates gripper two.
Valid Accessor values are: A, which indicates accessor A; and B, which
indicates accessor B.
Note: Only High Availability 3494s have an accessor B.
Valid Device values will be from 0 to 0xFFF. This parameter will always be
reported in hexadecimal.
Volser This will be a six character string (example: CNN444).
Rack Cell
The Rack Cell parameter has the following format: RackColumnCell. As an
example: 1G1 means rack 1, column G and cell 1.
Same as Volser - Only used in libraries with VTSs.
Same as Volser - Only used in libraries with VTSs.
VTS Valid VTS parameters are:
v VTS_1, which indicates VTS 1
v VTS_2, which indicates VTS 2
Certain versions of OS/2 trap if the overall SNMP message is over 132 bytes in
length. To prevent this trap, the Library Manager software checks to see if the
SNMP trap message is longer than 132 bytes, and inserts a NULL character at the
132 byte limit. Therefore, some Library Manager OPINT SNMP traps will be
truncated to prevent this problem.
Table 7 contains the Library Manager OPINT interventions.
Table 7. Operator Intervention Messages and Parameters (OPINT TRAP Type)
Actual Library Manager OPINT Trap
1 Gripper Accessor — Gripper Failure on gripper [A], accessor [B]
2 Device — — Index failure on device [A]
3 — — — *The convenience I/O station is full.
4 — — — *The library is full.
5 Volser — — A duplicate volser ([A]) was ejected to the
convenience I/O station.
6 Volser — — A duplicate volser ([A]) was left in the
convenience I/O station
7 — — — An unreadable volser was left in the
convenience I/O station
8 — — — *The library is out of CST/ECCST cleaner
216 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide