volume is available to go through reclamation. During the reclamation process all of
the active data from the original stacked volume is moved to another stacked
volume. After all active data is moved from the original stacked volume, its category
is set to scratch. This makes it available for reuse.
The Reclaim Threshold Percentage is initially set at 10%. We recommend that you
start with this value and slowly raise it by 5% increments, as necessary. As a
general rule try not to go above 30% to 40%. It is better to add additional stacked
volumes rather than raise this value. The higher this number is, the longer it takes
the VTS subsystem to reclaim a stacked volume because more data must be
copied from one stacked volume to another stacked volume. The Active Data
Distribution bar graph will assist you in setting this number. See “VTS Active Data
Distribution” on page 130, for information about displaying the panel.
The following are the push-buttons:
Add Adds an entry to the inhibit reclaim schedule.
Delete Deletes an entry from the inhibit reclaim schedule.
Save Close the panel and save all the changes made to the inhibit reclaim
schedule, reclaim threshold, and free storage threshold.
Close the panel without saving any of the changes.
Help Display the Set VTS Management Policies help panel.
Inventory New Storage or Re-inventory Complete System
These selections are typically system administrator password-protected. The
inventory process can only be performed when:
v The library manager is Offline and in Auto mode.
v The teach process is completed.
v The cleaner volume masks are set (see “Cleaner Volume Masks” on page 172).
v The volser ranges are set (see Figure 102 on page 171).
Figure 99. Set VTS Management Policies Pop-Up Window
Chapter 6. Advanced Operating Procedures 169