This window has one checkbox:
Send interventions to host consoles
If this button is checked, the first 70 characters of all operator intervention
messages will be sent to all attached hosts. If the hosts are configured to
display messages, these messages will be displayed on the host console.
The following are the push-buttons:
OK Remove the highlighted intervention items from the list. If all the items are
cleared, the panel is closed.
Close the panel without removing any highlighted intervention items from
the list.
Help Display the help panel, which contains a list of operator actions for each
intervention condition.
System Administrator Password
The System Administrator pop-up window (see Figure 128 on page 201) allows the
system administrator password, if selected during installation, to be changed. The
system administrator password-protects the following functions:
v Access to actions required as part of emergency power off (EPO) recovery
during library manager start-up.
If during initialization the library manager determines that EPO recovery is
required, you are informed that either the system administrator or the service
representative password is required. When the password is entered, the actions
required for EPO recovery are displayed.
v Inventory new storage.
v Re-inventory complete subsystem.
v Shutdown.
Figure 127. Operator Intervention Pop-Up Window
200 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide